Kellen and I decided to take a vacation to celebrate our first anniversary, being sealed to each other and his birthday! We went to Hawaii :)
Pineapples are gross
Pineapple ice cream is good:) lol
Kellen swam over a huge turtle while he was snorkling.
(next time we need an under water camera)
(next time we need an under water camera)
We are so lucky we were able to go on this vacation and know we will always remember it and hope to go back again some day.
I have never had a hard time with air planes. The take off and the landing of coarse make me a little nervous but other than that I am usually ok. On the way home I guess I was so tired from all the fun and the plane ride was pretty rocky.. I was that girl throwing up in a bag. The bad thing is.. I was sitting next to Kellen and some other guy and I am a LOUD puker. I don't do quite lol I kept hoping the guy next to me wasn't one of those guys who sees someone else throw up and then does himself. I apologized to him many times before leaving the plane.
I could go on and on about how much fun we had but I think this post is long enough. but we have decided everyone needs to have a vacation to Hawaii atleast once in their life. It is heaven :)