Just a warning.. there are a lot of pictures!
My sister moved away :( so this is our way of showing pics when she is away :)
This is the room we stayed at on our wedding night. Kellen's parents got it for us.
It was so sweet of them. I LOVED the room. It was so nice and cozy!

Our honeymoon was a suprise for me. Kellen would NOT tell me. On the wedding day while saying hi to people in the line, one of Kellen's friends told me where we were going! lol
It was so sweet of them. I LOVED the room. It was so nice and cozy!
We went to SAN DIEGO!!!!!!
us on the plane on our way :)
The view from our room! :)
our little porch
It was such a nice hotel!
The bed was huge, every time we woke up we were so far away from each other lol
the beach!!
My very first time setting foot on a beach :)
funny story: Our first night we didn't know where to go eat, well we had a GPS so we just put in Chinesse food and picked the coolest sounding name. We picked HONG KONG!! lol It was the best food we had the entire trip lol
the construction at the temple
It was seriously gorgeous :)
self timer=50 of the same pic lol
our rental car, we loved it!
us in 50 years :)

I love this picture :)

the sunset :)
we are married!!!!!!
The tour bus at the zoo!

It was so green everywhere, I loved it :)
the hippo's...
the zoo was so big they had these!!
Kellen and his map lol
my husband :) lol

He was just moving back and forth for so long. It was cute!

the sky ride!
the view from the sky ride.
we went over that bridge.. a bit scary lol